Funding for innovative companies, investment in start-ups
We advise you on how to obtain grants and other funds to finance your business plans; consult on preparations for development projects focused on business expansion, technological innovation, new product development, or entry into a new business or market.
Grants and Business Support Programs
A whole range of financial support and grant opportunities exist, but in most cases it is beyond the power of any business owner to have a perfect overview of these opportunities and deal with the processes and documentation required for each specific programme. We have many years of experience preparing grant applications. Our consultants have prepared dozens of projects for various programmes and enjoyed a high success rate of around 90%. We are also familiar with the issues grant providers encounter with grant programmes (such as business vouchers).
We will help you to find a suitable program to support a specific business plan and assess the chance of approving the grant application, process the application and attachments. We also offer assistance in the administration of the project during its implementation and processing of the final report and application for grant payment.
What projects can be usually supported?
- Development of new products, processes and procedures.
- Building of new R&D capacities (laboratories, prototype workshops, development centers).
- Investments in machinery and equipment during the introduction of new products and technologies.
- Cooperation with research organizations and universities.
- Acquisition of HW and SW for business digitization.
Our consultancy focuses primarily on the following programmes and types of support:
- National research and development support programs announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic: The Country for the Future
- Operational Program Technologies and Application for Competitiveness which supports investment into technical and product innovations, equipment for industrial R&D facilities, international exhibitions and trade fairs, development of prototypes, product design, collaboration between businesses and universities/research organisations etc.
- Pilsen business vouchers
- European programmes for international collaboration in R&D and innovation : Horizon Europe, Eureka, Eurostars 3
Financing for Start-ups
Getting start-up money is not always easy for beginning entrepreneurs because they cannot prove their business results from previous years. For banks, investors and often also for grant providers, financing such a plan poses a higher risk. The entrepreneur must therefore be better prepared to deal with them. You can consult you plans with our experts.
What can we do together?
- Discuss possible ways of financing start-ups (loans, credits and guarantees, capital inflows of investors, subsidies…), compare their advantages and disadvantages
- Estimate how much money will be needed for operating expenses or for the purchase of machinery and equipment (expenditure and income plan for the first months of business – cash flow)
- Design the optimal way of financing for a prepared business plan
- Find a suitable grant program, process the application and help with the fulfillment of all administrative and material obligations
- Recommend a suitable banking product (loans, guarantees), negotiate with the bank, process the application and business plan
- Prepare to address the investor and presentation of the business plan
Development Project Consulting and Drafting
Consultation on business plans and development projects provides the management with an unburdened view from the outside and may bring new ideas for solutions that, due to “business blind spots”, are sometimes overlooked by entrepreneurs. These may be plans to expand the business, innovate technology to develop a new product, or enter a new business or market.
What does business consultation entail??
- Define the main goals and scope of the project
- Analyse consumer segments, needs and behaviour
- Analyse the competition
- Propose commensurate marketing tools and strategies
- Analyse the risks
- Identify R&D partners, technology suppliers, etc.
- Create a project schedule, goals and milestones
- Evaluate the viability of the plan and its conformity with the company’s business strategy
- Evaluate the return on investment/financial plan/budget for the project
- Select suitable financing resources
Pilsen Business Vouchers
The program is one of the tools by which the statutory city of Pilsen contributes to the development of the business environment and the competitiveness of companies. The aim of the program is to strengthen the innovative activities of companies in the Pilsen agglomeration and contribute to increasing their competitiveness. The program is an incentive for business entities to make contact with a research organization as a provider of knowledge and to initiate or expand mutual cooperation. Thanks to it, companies can use capacities that they do not have at their disposal to start or intensify their innovation activities and to increase their innovation potential. When participating in the program, companies and research organizations will test their ability to cooperate with each other and establish the basis for long-term cooperation.
More information about Pilsen business vouchers (available only in CZ)
Incubation Program
Incubation is already a step for businesmen with a clear goal. Do you want to transform your student team into a start-up? Do you want to learn how to deal with an investor properly? Are you looking for a place where you can really step into it? There is a BIC Port – a place where technologies meet business.
And there is another project in progress called TechTower. It will be suitable for all innovators who already have a clear vision, but also for those who are just getting lured by business. The new technology park will offer flexible office and coworking spaces, a restaurant and café, facilities for conferences and workshops, shared workrooms and experimental equipment for ideas that can change the world.
Cooperation with Investors
We believe in the great future of the business background in Pilsen and the entire Pilsen region. To support and fulfill this vision, we created Pilsen Innovation Ecosystem (PINE). PINE is a unique ecosystem that works with technology perceptions with kindergarten children, permeates all levels of the education system and is gradually working with promising innovators who have the potential to start their own businesses, helping them to grow in their innovative business. PINE also connects the world of start-ups with the world of investors. We are building a group of investors who are able to use these innovative solutions to innovate and increase the competitiveness of their existing business, which will be able to maintain and develop start-ups in Pilsen.
Success stories